Sunday, February 15, 2009

A tough week

As you may have noticed, last week I didn't update my blog because I was sick and only trained 2 days. Both of those training sessions were just light and easy swims I tried running but just couldn't breathe effectively enough to maintain running for more than about an mile, and it was a very slow mile at that. Basically last week was like taking two steps back after really starting to see some improvement in my training times. This week was started out with a couple of swims that made me pretty sore after from being fatigued from the sickness last week. However, on our long swim wednesday (2500 meters continous) I felt great I swam it in just under 45 minutes. After the swim wednesday I headed straight to our first soccer practice. When I woke up Thursday I thought I was pretty sore. Thursday I had soccer practice after school and then played two indoor soccer games after that. Needless to say, I could barely walk Friday my legs were tight and sore all day, it felt like my muscles were wound up way to tight and they were just going to snap. So Friday afternoon my dad and I went on about a 26 mile bike ride. Basically, he kicked my butt that ride, we rode about two and a half laps around the area we were riding. We rode together about the first lap and a half, but my legs just didn't have anything left in them the last lap. Ill give him that ride, but I live to fight another day. Thanks everyone for checking in on our training!

"Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark."David Ogilvy

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